Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Perfect Christmas Gift

I CONFESS…. I am a Christmas Elf! I love the smell of cookies baking in the oven, and of course being the official taste tester. This year buying presents for everyone seemed so expensive and original. I wanted to be creative and I decided to look through all of Santa's wonderful ideas, aka Pinterest. I may have taken more breaks from studying for my finals than I needed to, just to make sure I was not missing any of the wonderful ideas up loaded on the best site ever!

However, as I am searching for the perfect gift for my family I run into plenty of problems…

Dad's Perfect Gift: Well he would not want a picture framed of his family… much too girly! Every time I ask him what he wants he thinks for a while and then says, "I just want some socks". Really, socks thats all he can come up with!

Mom's Perfect Gift: "Oh darling I would love anything you made me!" Wow, really helpful! "So if I made you a card and that would be good enough?" Of course she said, "Yes, just spending time with you is a gift enough!" Somehow I feel like this is a trap, and I need to get her a gift anyway.

Caton's Perfect Gift: My oldest sister now consumed with her new found love! In the past when I have ever given her a gift she has ironically left it home in her room. The challenge of finding her the perfect gift has always been extremely hard! One year I gave her a dollar stress ball from Wal-Mart because I could not find her anything, and I was running out of time! This year I thought I found the perfect gift to make for her, but next thing I know I am on the phone making subtle hints to see if it is something that she would like, but through the hints she turned down my "amazing idea!"

Kerri's Perfect Gift: The one who just got married living in her new apartment with her husband! Perfect, I can make them something that helps make their apartment feel a little more like home! Never mind, I take that back Kerri is the top Elf in our household and she can make any craft perfectly, and I mean perfectly. Even on Thanksgiving she was making stamped homemade tags that go on gifts, and Caton gave her five dollars for some of them! She seriously has her won craft business, and I can't give her something I have made it just will not be up to par! It would be like making a spaghetti dinner for an Italian Family.

Betsey's Perfect Gift: The Red Haired Ginger that is often too picky! One year I crochet her a scarf because she was begging me to make her a scarf, for once someone asked me for a homemade gift. I was so proud of the beautiful pink scarf and hat that I made for her! She opened it on Christmas morning seeming happy, and I was so proud of my gift. However, within the next week after Christmas that scarf and hat became ones that she wore out to the barn. In her mind the scarf was not thick enough or fashionable enough to wear in public!

It may be another year of store bought gifts for the McKenna household because I have still not mastered the perfect gift to make for everyone in my family that they would actually appreciate.

1 comment:

  1. With how awesome your photography is I would go out and take pics of things that make you think of them
