Friday, July 11, 2014

Millie Is Growing Strong!

Millie is now two months old and growing like crazy! She still drinks her milk morning and night to keep her bones growing and strong. Now she even gets to eat the delicious fresh hay, and sweet feed to help balance her nutrition.

Millie loves to run around in the tall lush grass on warm summer days. Watch the short video below to see how her long legs glide through the grass:

On farms, farmers have a lot of safety precautions they take with their cows to ensure the cows are safe. One of the many precaution would be dehorning the calves. This entails taking out the horn buds before they are able to grow to prevent problems. Cows do not need horns to survive, and sometimes horns can be life threatening to a cow or person. 

Millie is at the age where she needed to be dehorned and vaccinated to ensure her health. She is now dehorned so that her horns will not grow, and the procedure is done as painless as possible. Millie has also been vaccinated with a rabies vaccine and a respiratory vaccine to prevent her from becoming sick. There are plenty of examples of why dehorning is the right thing to do for Dairy Cows. Dehorning can prevent cows from seriously injuring each other, injuring the farmer, and even getting stuck with their horns. The pros definitely out way the cons for dehorning a dairy cow and keeping them safe. 

Millie is growing bigger and loving life!

Farmers do their best to care for their animals and offer the best care for them. Going above and beyond by waking up before dawn and working long stressful days to provide for the world. Next time you see a farmer say "Thank You" for all they have done. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wee Kin Farms Meet Millie

Dairy Farming is a wonderful job that positively affects and helps feed consumers in the world. Farming has a lot of hardships that come along with the job, but there are also a lot of great things that happen on a farm! One of the best things that happen on a dairy farm is a newborn heifer calf. Heifer means that the calf is a girl and will be able to produce milk in two years after she has her own calf.

Wee Kin Farm, a Guernsey farm owned and operated by the McKenna family (my family), has welcomed a new addition to our herd. Baby Millie is a strong and beautiful girl!
(Millie is pictured below)

Since Millie was born she needs milk to keep her growing strong and healthy. Calves are kept on an all milk diet for the first couple of weeks that they are born. The reason for this is because their stomachs are very small and not able to digest foods as well. Once their ruminant stomach is strong the calves are given grain and hay to add to their milk and water diet. A ruminant stomach is a stomach that is broken into four compartments known as the reticulum, rumen, omasum, and abomasum. These four compartments help with digestion, and makes it possible for cows to eat a high starch diet. The grain and hay help to keep them growing fast! 

Millie has a lot of energy from the food she loves to eat, and enjoys playing in the tall lush grass and running around with the other calve on the farm. She loves meeting new people, and giving them sweet calf kisses! 

Watch Millie grow throughout her life! I will be posting updates often as she grows! If you would ever like to meet Millie or any of the other Guernseys at Wee Kin Farm please contact me via email

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Superheroes in the Dairy Industry

Superheroes the only thing that has the power to stop all evil and only have the good remain. However, these so called superheroes are not real and they are the figment of someone’s imagination, but that does not mean that people and industries do not serve as superheroes in today’s society. The dairy industry is one of the best group of superheroes. 

The dairy farmer also known as “Superman” is in complete control of the dairy industry. The early mornings’ hard work and long day’s calls for a lot of stress, but superman never said that saving the world was not stressful. The farmers care for their animals every day to the best of their abilities. Have you ever heard of a person having round the clock food service, water, and a comfy bed offered to them twenty-four seven? NO! Well cows get that wonderful treatment every day. Just like superman cared for the cows. If the dairy cow is sick then they will call a veterinarian or care for the cow twenty-four seven. From making sure the cows are healthy too caring for them, farmers take pride in their job. Farmers do not wake up in the morning dreading the day, they wake up knowing they are helping people in society by feeding them nutritious healthy food. Dairy farmers help make a superhero every day.
The great Hulk is very muscular and overpowering. Well everyone needs to be strong and healthy. How would anyone become as strong as the Hulk? Well thanks to dairy products people have a chance of being as strong the Hulk. Milk, cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, butter, and cream cheese are all examples of ways to become strong. Eating three servings of dairy products every day is the appropriate way to receive the correct amount of nutrients to stay healthy and strong. Dairy Products have nine essential nutrients. Calcium, Potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamin B12, Riboflavin, and niacin are very important. These nine essential nutrients’ will keep you strong and healthy. In order to have strong bones, healthy skin, and strong teeth, everyone needs dairy products. Become more like the hulk by eating dairy products. 
The Superman and the Hulk are not the only superhero’s that can represent the dairy industry. One of the most important areas of the dairy industry is public relations. The Consumers need to understand where dairy products come from and the hard work that it takes to create such delicious, nutritious foods. The dairy industry would not be as strong if it were not for our superhero Spiderman. The people that inform the consumers about the importance of dairy products shoot out their web of knowledge. This is a very important job because it helps consumers understand the importance of dairy and all that it has to offer. Working with the public is a great way to advocate for the dairy industry. In the dairy industry every job is important and all of the superheroes work together to receive the best quality. 
Superman, Hulk, and Spiderman or the Dairy Farmer, Dairy Products, and Public relations Representatives all have important jobs that mean a lot to them, but when you put them together they make an amazing superhero industry that everyone enjoys. Have you thanked a Superhero today? 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Agriculture Creates Roots in a Child that Can Never be Broken!

Childhood is such an important part of a human beings life, it shapes who they are and what they will become. I am so thankful that everyday I woke up to a full day of new adventures. My three older sisters and I were the best of friends, the worst of enemies, and the best imagineers ever! We were four little girls growing up on a farm trying to prove to our dad that we could be just as tough as any boy he could have ever dreamed of having. We were a forced to be reckoned with. There are plenty of stories to go along with growing up on a farm, and of course the McKenna girls have created plenty of stories worth telling! Here are a few ways that you can tell if you have grown up on a farm or not.

1) What is said or done out in the barn stays in the barn. In my family there was no arguing or wrestling in the house! Mom made it very clear that if we had enough energy to fight we had enough energy to clean! It did not take us very long to make the barn our ultimate wrestling arena. Being tied to poles, shoved off a fence, or getting dunked in the cows one-hundred gallon watering trough were all fare in this war! May the strongest, smartest, and quickest girl win! When mom and dad asked where the bruise came from, why there were tears running down our faces, or why our hair was tussled, our answer were always the cows did it! The number one rule was to not tell the real story!

2) Making forts in the hay mound! Organizing the hay bales just right so that everyone could fit into the fort, and of course take part in the secret meeting! This is way better than any blanket fort!

3) Playing truth or dare in the barn. This is way more intense than any sleep over truth or dare. We are talking lifting things heavier than you weigh, having milk squirting contests straight from the udder, and having to tell the deepest darkest secret you have ever held.

4) I am sure not all farm kids played Cadet kelley, but this is the famous game known to the McKenna family! After watching the Disney movie Cadet Kelley we marched out the barn, and created our own game! Caton being the oldest was immediately the Sergeant ordering the rest of us around. We would have to do any obstacle she had in mind like carrying hay bales, filling the water troughs using buckets instead of hoses, and who could milk the goats the fastest. She was very smart and normally during the game would have us do her chores, and then she announce the game was over! As she marched in the house Kerri, Betsey, and I were left to finish our own chores.

5) For those that are truly dedicated to their animals they will even taste the food that their animals eat. No the food will no kill you, however, from personal experience I would not recommend milk replace it is not the best choice of drinks!

6) Show season brings about shaving the cows before the fair in order to make sure that they look their best. In my family my parents were very serious about not letting us girls shave out legs until we were old enough. Oh but there is always a way around every rule! The forty blade used on the cows udder were perfect for the job. Betsey and I trusted each other enough to shave each others legs!

7) Going out to do chores later than the normal in the dark can be very scary! Betsey and I would also grip each others hands and sing, "Jesus Loves Me" thinking that if anyone was in out barn, and they heard us singing a Christian song they would not hurt us. However, the only thing that was behind any door or turn was another sister, specifically Kerri, waiting for us so that she could be the monster to scare us!

8) Going to school with numerous injuries caused on the farm, and all of your friends gathering around to hear what could have possibly happened
! The main one getting a pitch fork stabbed in my foot. The pain might have been horrible, but now the story is fun to tell.

9) Being locked in a chicken coop for three hours and having to escape through a tinny window by my wonderful sister Betsey who is truly a ginger! However, she did have to do my chores for three weeks!

10) Being able to proudly say that you have raised animals from birth, and created a bond with this animal so that she comes running to the sound of her name!

There have been plenty of wonderful times and tragedies that have taken place on my farm, but through it all I would never have traded the memories, experience, or responsibility that I have been given! Not everyone has the opportunity to grow up on a farm, but every person has a connection to agriculture! Never take for granted the childhood you were given, and make the most of everyday and memory made!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

When the Mind Has Time to Wander…..

"I wish someone would randomly tell me little facts about myself. Not ones that I have already told them but ones they have picked up by themselves because they care enough to notice the little things I do."~ A.S. 

Why does this quote have so much truth and meaning to it that can relate to so many people? Why does the human race need to find their satisfaction in how other people see them? 

Everyone can think of words that have been said to them that make feel on top of the world, and words that have made them want to crawl into a hole and disappear. Why don't we think before we speak so we do not hurt people that we honestly do not know what they have gone through? We are living this life looking for the satisfaction from others so that we know if we are living a proper life. 

I have a resolution to stop hoping that someone will notice my good deeds and everything that I have done wrong, but to live for myself and make sure that I am happy with my life. No matter what people do or say I am the only person who can control making myself one-hundred percent happy. I love my friends and family that help push me to be the best that I can be, but in the end I am the only one who decides what I do. 

Everyone is unique in their own way and thats what makes the world an amazing place, no matter what a person says or looks like remember that they have feelings too! Live to make your self happy and then you can help others to find that same joy, but do not say words that will make someones happiness disappear! Are you up for the challenge?